banter, bicker, breathe

Piece Information

Instrumentation: harp, guitar

Duration: ~10 minutes

Date: © 2016

Commissioned by:

Emily Levin & Colin Davin

Program note:

"Banter, Bicker, Breathe” is a piece for guitar and harp that explores three conversations that take place between a romantic couple. Neither of the instruments is meant to represent a specific role or type of person within a given relationship. Instead, the exchanges between these two similar yet very different instruments parallel the relationship itself. I hope that both listeners and musicians will create their own interpretation of this piece’s narrative. To me, the piece moves through three distinct conversations: an excited relaying of a story that is handed off from one person to the other, a bitter argument, and lastly, a series of intimate whispers.

More about this Piece :

Stream the album BANTER by the Davin/Levin Duo here

Scores and parts available for purchase

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